
Our office is based in Amsterdam and we deal with many cases involving international aspects. The number of foreign workers in Amsterdam is steadily rising every year. These expats often settle for several years in Amsterdam, Amstelveen or the surrounding area. Divorces are also regular occurrences in these families and our firm has an outstanding reputation for dealing with international divorces. A number of our lawyers speak one or more foreign languages fluently and have an abundance of knowledge about private international law. Elzeline van Herk is head of the international section at our firm.

We also deal with cases other than divorces with an international aspect. Areas include international child abduction, disputes about moving abroad with the children, foreign adoptions, and so on. Magali van Maanen deals with this type of case and is a member of the IKO / D.I.A.L. (Dutch International Child Abduction Lawyers).


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