Entrepreneurs, directors/major shareholders

A divorce involving an entrepreneur often entails extra complications and can have far-reaching financial consequences. For example, the other spouse may be entitled to half of the value of the business, you may be obliged to pay alimony and any pension rights accrued within the business may have to be divided.

Expert assistance

Expert assistance is indispensable in these cases, as the value of a business is often difficult to determine and there can often be debate about the income to be taken into account when fixing alimony payments. Entrepreneurs often have marriage contracts drawn up before they get married, to keep the business ‘off limits’ in the event of a divorce. What often happens is that the marriage contract turns out not to have been drafted with sufficient clarity, with the result that the (family) business has to be settled up and divided with the other spouse anyway. The intentions of spouses and former spouses have also gained increasing importance in the courts, and these intentions can sometimes overturn a marriage contract.

Broad (court) experience

Our firm provides outstanding specialist knowledge during divorces involving entrepreneurs. Our firm has broad (court) experience in this area and we work closely alongside expert tax advisers and registered valuers, with a view to ensuring that your divorce has a satisfactory outcome.


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