Quick joint divorce

In some cases, a divorce can be sorted out quickly and efficiently for a fixed price. We have developed a process where you prepare a large part of the homework yourself and have three meetings with the mediator, who has been trained for this and is a member of the Dutch Association of Family Law Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS). The mediator prepares the agreement and parenting plan for you and arranges for a formal settlement of the divorce or cohabitation.

Clients increasingly want clarity about their legal fees. We have also noticed that more clients want to arrange their separation together, in a practical and realistic way and without fuss, i.e. by working together. Couples with children, in particular, are keen to resolve their business harmoniously by making arrangements that will apply over the longer term. This way, everyone knows what’s what. This need – working together for a low fixed price – is satisfied by the quick joint divorce.

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