Parenting plan

If parents are about to divorce, they are obliged to put together a parenting plan.  This is a legal requirement. They have to deal with at least the following topics in the parenting plan.

  1. Parents must make arrangements about the division of care and upbringing duties. They should also agree on the address where the children will be registered in the Basic Municipal Records Database. In other words, where will the children’s principal residence be after the divorce and what days will they be staying with one or other parent?
  2. They have to agree on how they’ll exchange information with each other and how they’ll consult about important decisions. This could be about choice of schools, moving home, and so on.
  3. They establish the expense associated with the children (child support) and which one will be responsible for these expenses.
  4. Finally, the parents have to tell the children, in an age-appropriate way, about  what they, as parents, have agreed about the children.

Villa Pinedo

Parents often need practial support and specific advice when making agreements for the children.

Our office supports Stichting Villa Pinedo ( They can be helpful in offering specific information on the position of children in a divorce. In the Netherlands, Villa Pinedo is the platform where children of separated parents can share their experiences, as well as advise and support each other. Furthermore, experienced youth from Villa Pinedo create awareness among adults on what children are thinking and feeling. Villa Pinedo collaborates with youth to change parents’ behavior, in the interest of the child. Villa Pinedo has developed an online workshop “for all divorced parents”. This workshop runs for 6 weeks and each week you receive short films and tasks in which children of divorced parents share their experiences and provide advice. The tasks have been created by child therapists from “Lorentzhuis” Our office offers this workshop to all separated parents, free of charge.

It is also possible you need specific aid from a remedial educationalist or child psychologist when negotiating the parenting plan. Our office collaborates with several experts regularly.


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