Don’t turn your past into your future. Now is the time to make the memories that you want to cherish in the future!

Nynke van der Storm

Nynke van der Storm


Nynke van der Storm has been working at De Boorder since November 2011. Before that she spent 7 months gaining experience in the legal profession at NautaDutilh in Amsterdam. Nynke enjoyed every facet of being a lawyer so much that she decided to take the next step and specialise in the law of persons and families. Her decision was based on the variety, social involvement, emotional  and financial aspects of this type of work.

Nynke’s practice covers all areas of the law of persons and families. Her particular interest is maintenance-, parentage-, and surrogacy cases, but also the financial settlement of a divorce or separation appeals to her.

Offering a listening ear, giving quality legal advice and gaining the trust of her clients are all key to her way of working.

De Boorder is a niche legal firm, a fact that constantly motivates Nynke to fulfil the expectations of her clients when it comes to the specialist areas dealt with by De Boorder – the law of persons and families.

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